the After Sixty Club

Learn, Share, Ask Questions, Make Friends, Make a Difference with Women in Their Sixties and Beyond

What is the After Sixty Club?

Yikes!  I'm in my sixties.  It seems like just yesterday that I was in my 30's with kids, a husband, a full time job...and no time for myself.  How did I get here? Life looks a lot different now.  There are new opportunities and new challenges.  I find myself wishing that I could talk with other women who are also experiencing life after sixty.  Do you feel that way too?

Then you're going to love the After Sixty Club!  

This is a growing community of women in their sixties and beyond who want their lives to be the best that they can be.  Now that may sound easy, but we all know that life can be a bit tricky at times!  So we work together to share ideas, ask questions, provide support, listen, cheer each other on, and provide a hug when needed through our After Sixty Club. 

The After Sixty Club is About Giving 

Many people think that giving means giving money.  But giving has a lot more value than just money.  You give when you share your experiences, or when you take an interest in what someone else is saying, or by providing a few words of encouragement to someone in need. Giving feels good and it makes you feel happy.  The After Sixty Club is about giving and sharing with other women in their sixties and beyond so you enrich your life while helping make a difference for others.  Membership in the After Sixty Club is free - but the value of the community is priceless.   

How Does the After Sixty Club Work?

The After Sixty Club is an online community.  Our community site includes on topics on making friends, beauty, books, fitness, food, health, travel, the sixties lifestyle, and sharing inspiration and kindness. When you become a Member of the After Sixty Club, you will be able to choose the topics you want to read, participate in discussions, and meet and live chat with other members.  Membership is free!  

The After Sixty Club is unlike any other women's website. On most websites you can just read articles, but in the After Sixty Club you can participate in discussions, find other members who are near you, send secure live chat messages, and engage in everything that is going on.  You can submit your own articles and stories, ask questions from the group, and share your ideas.    


  • Your personal invitation to our interactive After Sixty Club Community- get to know your After Sixty Club sisters.  Ask questions, share your stories and ideas, find women near you and women who share your interests, live chat, personal messaging, form small groups on topics that interest you.  
  • Download the free mobile app for access 24/7 from any device.
  • Access to free courses on topics like yoga, exercise, and beauty 

When you become a member you can create your own profile and introduce yourself to the community.  Download our exclusive APP and you can access the club on your desktop, tablet, or mobile phone, 24/7.  

Share your questions, opinions, ideas and suggestions with the community. Answer questions and polls.  Comment on articles and topics.  Add your photos or even videos.  Follow topics that interest you and get notified when there is new activity or when someone responds to your questions or comments.  Find other members who are near you.  Connect with members who share similar interests.  

Here in the After Sixty Club it's easy to ask questions, share your thoughts and stories, help others, and make friends.  Post your comments in various Topics or message other members privately.  

Here is a sample of our topics:

We have made it easy to participate, no matter how tech savvy you are (or aren't!).  


  • Click the Request an Invite button on this page and submit your request. 
  • Once approved, you will receive a welcome email from the After Sixty Club and a link to get started!   Woo Hoo!


  • Copy and paste it into an email to send to your friends so they can join too!
  • Imagine a community of After Sixty women from all over the world. Invite your friends to join and we'll be there before you know it! 

There are more than 40 million women in the U.S. alone over the age of 60 and little provided for us even though we represent a huge (and growing) part of the population.  Why wait for everyone else to figure out that we are here.  Together we can build a community to help each other, share with each other, and make a difference together.  Won't you join us?